Selected Works
Kivu Design Showreel 2025Showreel
SleepHub promo film3D modelling, texturing & lighting, compositing, editing
British Airways E-Store refresh3D, tracking, compositing
Northern Ireland TB ‘Game of Weaves’editing, grading, motion gfx
Gates Foundation Decade of Healthmotion gfx, 3D
YouGov - Data representation animation3D modelling, texturing & lighting, compositing
Santa automata3D modelling, rigging, texturing & lighting
Amex Invitesmotion gfx, 3D, rigging
Under Construction App - Animated explainerillustration, rigging, motion gfx, editing
American Express Platinum Charge 'Travel'3D, rigging, motion gfx
Rimmel product demosrotoscoping (mocha), grading
BA Amex Avios3D, motion gfx
BA Gatwick Shorthaul3D, motion gfx
Rimmel Volume Shakeediting, grading
Zendium 'peel'3D modelling, texturing, lighting, motion gfx, compositing
Character testcharacter design, rigging, animation, motion gfx
Toy plane3D modelling, texturing & lighting
Zendium 'infographic'3D, motion gfx
Rimmel 'Eyetrail' demoediting, motion gfx
Rimmel 'Wonderfully Real'3D modelling, texturing, lighting, motion gfx
BA New Orleansrotoscoping, motion gfx
Ogilvy in-house explainertracking, UI design, compositing
PG Tips 'energy drink'rotoscoping, clean-up, grading
Post Office 'lightspeed'motion gfx
Visit Britain 'Sugar Loaf'3D, motion gfx